Saturday, January 31, 2009

August Rush

Long holiday...CNY Holiday...
I spent my time with watched a lot of movie...
& Best movie ever was "August Rush"
Nice story even the ending not really touched but..
I love all the music & song (soundtrack) in this movie
specially Jonathan rhys meyers's songs...
I always have crush with the guy on the movie who can sing...
Like when i was secondery school...I was crushed with a guy in 'the height' (TV serial) coz of one song that he sang...(I already forgot what is the title of the song)
& Always be my dream...someone sing a song when he want to porpose me with his guitar...hihi...
Can i have that dream???
Who knows??!!

PS: I love this pic...wish i can have one for my prewedding pic? :P

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

hand surgery

my love will get hand surgery...other hand...
Recently...the way he talk & what he talk about...kinda scared me...
I just surrender to God what will happen tomorrow..
Wish everything will be alright...

Monday, January 19, 2009

So tell me now

U don't get it, do U?
I cried for NOTHING??
Have u consider about my feeling...MY FEELING???
How many time u neglected my feeling for something else??
Last time for girls's heart...& NOW for WHAT???
If I was (& will) ur 1st priority than others (like U said always)...How come u avoided my feeling??? MY FEELING???

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mix vegetable

Malamnya...after made 'Carrot Juice'...

(Original Orange juice without milk & ice)

Trs ga tauk kenapa, lagi pengen oseng sayur gitu...
Jadinya masak lagi deh...

-Bawang Merah / Onion
-Cabe Merah / Red Hot Chilli Pepper
-Cengek (gw lupa bhs indo-nya apa) / Small Chilli
-Vegetable (ga tau namanya apa tapi it's not gabage/kol/Kubis*)
-Jamur / Mushroom
-Sausage with Black pepper flavor / Sosis

-Bawang ma cabe2an di masukin dulu sampe harum
-Trs masukin sausage, jamur sampe dah mateng...
-Masukin vegetable/sayur...
-Kasih air dikiiiit bgt trs garam & merica...
-Jadi deh...

Cowok gw hanya makan dikit...kepedesan...padahal dikit bgt cabenya...tapi emang dasarnya gw jago pedes & dia anti pedes...hehe...tapi enak...dah lama ga makan mix vegetable kaya gini...

Bukan Rissotto, bukan juga Liwet

Weekend yang ga ada I have time to cook...
Biasanya cowok gw yang masak kaya gini...dan selalu enak bgt...
Dia sih bilangnya Rice & Beef...tapi kali ini gw mix juga ma mushroom...

-Bawang bombay /Onion
-Bawang daun / Spring onion
-Bawang Putih / Garlic
-Seledri / Celery
-Daging Sapi / Beef
-Jamur / Mushroom

Cara ngebuatnya:
-Biasa bawang2an duluan mpe harum trs daging deh...
-Ampe daging wangi...masukin jamur,kasih air & leave it sampe dagingnya empuk...
-Masukin garam & merica...
-Kan airnya banyakkan tuh...kaya mo nanak nasi di Rice cooker...trs masukin bawang daun ma seledri & masukin nasi juga...kira2 15 menit...jadi deh...
-Siap dihidangkan ^__^

Dan cowok gw bilang...enak...perfect katanya...seneng deh...^__^

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

shifting again???

I will move again from this house...
Many reason...
1 of them:...I'm not happy staying there with 'itungan' house mates...

I paid half of the house while 2 of them just paid the rest of half & I don't even have space for my own stuffs...

Hope I will find good apartment soon & happy to staying there...
With God help...Insya Allah...I will find it!