Saturday, February 19, 2011


Ketika aku masih sendiri, aku selalu berdoa kpd Alloh swt utk memberikanku seorang suami yg bisa membimbingku di jalan Alloh.

Alhamdulillah, ketika Alloh swt memberikan dia sebagai suamiku, ini seperti do'a yg Engkau kabulkan. Insya Alloh, he has a good faith...dan Alhamdulillah perkawinanku bahagia...tetapi ketika menyakut soal Sunnah & Syiah...ini seperti riak gelombang...kecil tapi bisa menjadi besar...dan ini sangat sangat tidak mudah...untukku juga untuknya.

aku percaya, Alloh swt memberikan dia untukku...ada hikmah dibalik semua itu...
kenapa Alloh swt memberikan seseorang dgn keyakinan Syiah-nya yang kuat kpd seorang Sunny yg cukup mengerti walo tidak sebanyak yang dia mengerti soal keyakinannya.

1 tahun 1 hari, usia perkawinanku...mudah2an Alloh swt memudahkan perbedaan yang ada pada kami. amin.


~Yummylicious~ said...

It is on His will that everything was fated and it is also indeed, on His will that our prayers were answered. Alhamdolellah that Allah has chosen you to be leaded by, not just a good man, yet also, a good Muslim with a good faith. Alhamdolellah that a good man like yours, have been fated with a good woman like you (I believe it's true). Indeed, he was right, that you are a good wife with a good faith. Don't worry at all, coz I extremely sure that you will be happy with him till the end of it, coz I knw he's my good brother. Very very good one, till every conversation, he won't forget about you.

Look how strong the scares you left inside of my brother's heart. You are truly and deeply, also, consider as my good sister. Congratulations for you both coz at last, finally, stay together.. alhamdolellah (an utmost grateful to Allah for answering our prayers). Enshallah, the different that you both have, won't be the wall for your happiness coz there's a bridge for you to walk through the path together..

yours sincerely ^_^
Sister ~shadow~

Unie Buffon said...

Thank you Annie...amiien...
You have pure heart & I believe you have a good faith also.
Thank you for being his best friend & great sister...
I'm happy to have you as my sis...
nice to know you ^^

truly sincere,
Unie ^,^

BYANT said...

unbelievable that's are one of extra ordinary friend in my list. I'm hesitate you still know me but it's not a big case. However you have inspired me to be a struggle woman. No worry you must be able to survive in the new neighborhood.

Best Regard,

limingli said...

ما الآباء تريد أن تعطي لك شيئا عن ذلك؟ ثم نلقي نظرة على الجيش معطف الصوف لدينا ذلك