Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I've lost u already?

He said that...
"I'm not with him anymore & my heart wasn't here, wasn't with him."

May be he was right, may be not.
Just...I can't describe this feeling...
Feel like...I've lost U already.

He asked me," Am I the right one for U?"
I answered him "I dunno."

My answer now is still I dunno...
I never had this feeling for anyone,
He's just like the answer from Allah for my prayers,
It's the 1st time I've feel safe beside someone,
I never really want to live with someone ever, but I always put U in my 'future' dreams,
yesterday He said,"I'll make ur laptop alright before I leave!"
He shot me with that word...
I've cried...deeply...
not because my new laptop or coz I missed my home BUT coz of his word.
Realize or not...sometimes...He never put me in his 'future' plan.

Then he said loudly to me,:
"I will never marry anyone, anyone...until I marry U or till U say U don't want to marry me, I promise it to U, Is it enough for U?"

It's enough for me...more than enough...more than enough...
why I still have feel that I've lost u already?


James said...
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James said...

u shot me last night too many times and the worse is u laugh when u shot meee and u sayy goood