Some of gals saying "love" to u...
n u let it...u made them fall in love with u...
U saying love 2 them too??!!!
U never say such thing 2 me...
n u didn't let me 2...
Many times u tried 2 explained 2 me...
but i still don't get it...
my best fren said:
"Do u think u can control ur feeling???I know u dear...I just don't want u 2 get hurt coz u're so fragile...just don't wasting ur time 4 someone who definitely gonna hurt u..."
but u're here with me now...
n i really like 2 be with u...
I didn't think 2 much about what i feel & what u feel...
Coz we just have short time 2 have each other...
Even it will hurt me...
at least i have some gud memories with u...while u beside me...
i have been reading ur blog today
dear, god always have plan for every one, one of the things that he plans is that he grows the soul by make u face things u dont want and u dont like , its not just u that felt lots of sad things in ur life and also lots of good thing, i know one thing that not all of the bad thing will remain for always and not also all the good thing.but we should try to have more fun and more hapiness and try to fill our soul with each other help,
cantik , dear , about ur blog titele u wont underestand until u be inside of james soul and culture. why he stop him self to get more close and why he dont let u too its all becus he scare of getting hurt and hurting u and he told u many time becus of that he is an a$$hole,he knows he has to go back and he should have stop him self to meet anyone in person. but one thing is for sure he will always miss u and he will have u in his heart and memory,( and not thats all i wont stop contact with u i dont care as who as some one like friend, or...but i will i know that for sure) if u go back home u know he will miss u alot and he needs u here too, but still he admire u to go to ur country and carry on there, i will lose u but im sure the things that u gain is more than my lost and i can deal with it if u get good, cus ur happiness is realy mine and im tellng u its realy not words i swear to god. anywyas i said alot
take care dear,sayagku
:) ur terorist hehe
Some of gals saying "love" to u...
n u let it...u made them fall in love with u...
U saying love 2 them too??!!!
u told me once boys they tell u same and u said u know its all bulshit
dont misunderestand my relation with u with cyber relation. dear its totaly diferent
we are real close and break able thats cyber life and thats living in the worlds of words and just imagnation
u r not imagnation
i am not
and i dont want u get hurt and i will hurt too
cus i know my end
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