Twilight Saga : Eclipse, Film yg ditunggu2 apalagi setelah suksesnya 2 film terdahulu Twilight & New Moon.
Awalnya aQ nonton film-nya dulu sebelum baca buku-nya, even a bit late to watch Twilight after many people outside there already get crazy about Edward Cullen...then I watched it...It was very nice movie, Edward cullen ganteng trs the way he kiss bikin gregetan...but that's all...I wasn't in to that movie.
Until I readed Twilight book by Stephenie Meyer, While I was reading...wajah Robert Pattinson berkelebat di setiap kata2 yg diungkapkan di buku, cara R-Pattz senyum melekat banget...made love with Edward Cullen Character.
Kemudian ketika New Moon Movie keluar, banyak yang berpaling dari Edward si Vampir ke tokoh Jacob si Werewolf (setelah dia potong rambut & bertelanjang dada)...then kelompok terbelah jadi 2: Team Edward & Team Jacob...but for me, kembali membaca buku ke-2 New Moon by Stephenie Meyer, karakter Edward begitu kuat tak tergantikan dengan six pack-nya Jacob...
Lanjut membaca Eclipse by Stepehie Meyer, membayangkan...mungkin kah ada karakter yg kaya Edward di dunia nyata?? He loves Bella unconditionally even he knew Bella love another guy too...
the movie was good ( more kissing, caring, making out as the director of the movie said ;P ) but yes...the way Edward kissing Bella more natural than before...mungkin karena cerita di buku dijelaskan kl Edward tidak terpengaruh lg dengan Bella's smell body.
But still...the Book is much much much better than the movie...always like that.
You will see white when i was Blank, You will see Black when i was faint, You will see Pink when i was in love, You will see Blue when i was broken heart, You will see colorfull when i am alive
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
I found my Junior School's Besties
Setelah sekian lama lost contact dengan Junior School Besties, aku m'nemukan mereka kembali di Facebook, hanya 1 yg ga ada tapi aku dapet no telp-nya dia...
We used to called our group as 'AJI' (Assosiasi Jomblo Indonesia) haha...krn sampe qt SMA semua masih pada jomblo...kecuali Leni yg sempet 2 kali ganti haha...bahkan dia satu2nya yg tidak kena dampak dari AJI haha...sementara qtha bertiga (aku, Evi & Ena) sampai kuliah berakhir masih jomblo...& qta m'nyalahkan AJI karena itu haha...
kemudian aku ingat...(flashback)...Ketika qt naek becak berempat & terjatuh di perempatan jalan di depan mesjid agung Tasikmalaya...haha...& saat itu juga ibu-nya ena liat qt sambil komentar:'Anak2 gede kaya gitu masih duduk dibecak berempat, apa ga dikasih duit sama ortu-nya? kasian tukang becaknya'...& ternyata anaknya sendiri salah satu dari anak yg berempat ini...hahaha...
Kangen banget ma mereka, utk cerita2 waktu qt masih kecil, waktu masih belum tauk apa arti cinta cowo & cewe, tapi qt sudah tauk arti persahabatan dan toleransi beragama...walaupun berbeda agama dan etnik tapi tetap satu...kaya Pancasila...perasaan dan hati qt murni, suci, lugu dan jujur...

Inget juga pas qt tukeran kado & kartu pas hari valentine...qt berempat (aq, Evi, Erna & Leni) ditambah Deden ( Dicky Chandra a.k.a wakil bupati garut skrg ), Mpruut (Sonny Susanto) & Andre Rindro...itu pertama kali aq tauk kalo ada hari valentine hahaha...(walo skrg hari itu spt hari biasa untukku)...waktu itu qt kelas 3 SMP...
Inget juga, qt suka makan baso Garasi di pasar mambo...kadang2 aq suka minta duit ma Deden kl kekurangan uang haha...dan dia akan ngajak gw ke gang antara aula & perpus...ngasih duit ke gw disana biar ga ketauan ma yg laen...haha...
banyak banget yg berseliweran di kepala-ku ttg masa2 sekolah dulu...
Hope we will meet each other soon...
Monday, March 8, 2010
February 18th, 2010
Hari ini...
Ketika langit begitu biru
Hari ini...
Ketika matahari begitu hangat
Hari ini...
ketika bunga begitu semerbak
Hari ini...
Ketika Tuhan menjawab do'a-ku
Hari ini...
Ketika ku yakin kau milik-ku
Hari ini...
Ketika ku berjanji untuk selalu disisi-mu
Hari ini...
Ketika kau berjanji untuk selalu menjaga-ku
Hari ini...
Ketika wajah-wajah tersenyum
Hari ini...
Ketika hati kami berbunga
dan Hari ini...
ketika dunia-mu adalah dunia-ku
PS: I love you till the end
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I've got text
I've got text message:
" Love, dear, i need u 2 prepare 4 our marriage, enshallah we will marry this month..."
If u were here...just wanna hug u...

gw ga tauk hrs nge-respon kaya gimana...bahagia?? ofcourse...! the one whom i love said such wasn't 'pop the question' coz he did long time ago...just...ini bukan yg pertama...n gw ga mau feel disappoint coz hoping so much...
I've been waiting for so long for that day,
I will do nothing until u come & gw yakin hari itu akan datang...
n for sure...I will always pray to God for that day...
" Love, dear, i need u 2 prepare 4 our marriage, enshallah we will marry this month..."
If u were here...just wanna hug u...

gw ga tauk hrs nge-respon kaya gimana...bahagia?? ofcourse...! the one whom i love said such wasn't 'pop the question' coz he did long time ago...just...ini bukan yg pertama...n gw ga mau feel disappoint coz hoping so much...
I've been waiting for so long for that day,
I will do nothing until u come & gw yakin hari itu akan datang...
n for sure...I will always pray to God for that day...
Monday, January 18, 2010
someone said spectacular thing happen in the office
Life is not always goes so smooth...
and always...
there's a shit in the happy place...
and always...
there's a shit in the happy place...
Anyway, i always love my job...always...even the situation of people around me weren't so good but still i love my job...
Now, i feel alive in this company...not because of 'shity' thing but people around me are very friendly & we are close each other, help each other, share our laugh too...We never kick other ass for our I'm happy to be here...
'Fucking Biatch' came to our office...She's just oldies staff who come back to this office for 'i dunno what except doing shit'...
I dont care what she did till she touch my territory & say something about 'shit'...once she did...i let her full her mouth...2nd times she did again...I blown up...I shut her mouth up in the front of everyone...I dont care about shit but I knew, everyone supported me included my GM...i dont care about my relationship with her in future but at least i give her message to do not talk bullshit about me & my territory...
i thought...i am different now, my love changed me to be me right now...if i was my 'old me'...i will just keep quite even she kick my love taugh me to stand up for my right...
PS: thank my 'love' to changed me to be my 'new me' ;)
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