Gw ma cowok gw nemenin temen serumah gw, dia mo ngejemput cowoknya yg balik dari S'pore di Pudu raya terminal...
Cowok gw dari awal males bgt nemenin...
Dia bilang..."Just let him to take a cab...."
Gw setuju nemenin dia coz :
- Dia baru kali ini pergi nyetir ke jalan2 utama yg padet ma mobil
- Dia ga tauk jalan & cowok gw tauk so gw ngajak dia
- Gw ga tega liat dia malem2 jalan...gimana kalo mogok? gimana kalo ada perampok?
Akhirnya qt nemenin, cukup lama nunggu skitar 30 menit lebih...
Ada orang ngegedor belakang mobil & ternyata cowoknya temen gw...
krn ga dibuka2...dia ngegedor lebih kuat...
pas akhirnya kebuka...dia ngomong dgn intonasi jelas ngomong apa krn mereka ngomong pake bhs cantonese...
begitu masuk mobil, ga basa basi, langsung duduk...
dan perjalanan cukup memakan waktu selama 30 menit & cowok gw nunjukin jalan...
ngomong dong..."how r u" or "something"...
or Just say "HI"...susah gitu???
My bf get offended!!!
Kita ngorbanin "our plan" to shop some foods stuff in Jusco to accompany her...
& her Bf...treat us like that???
He don't even give us the face...what a life...
is it called friend???
Last nite, my bf didnt even say gud bye to them or even smile to them after that...
They don't even notice it or feel bad about that...
What a wonderful life!!!
They don't feel it at all!!!
You will see white when i was Blank, You will see Black when i was faint, You will see Pink when i was in love, You will see Blue when i was broken heart, You will see colorfull when i am alive
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Mau gw apa sih sebenernya...
Mau gw apa sih sebenernya...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ma temen satu rumah...
Ceritanya untuk masak, qt mo sharing, gw pikir cuman gas-nya doang, qt patungan krn qt seorang dari 2 orang itu beli kompor (kalo nanti qt pisah dia yg ambil) tapi minta uang udunan dari yang laen...Aneh bgt...dimana ada yg kaya complain, cerita akhirnya berganti...uang itu jadi untuk deposit, jadi kalo qt pindah, uang dikembaliin...
Nah lho!...kalo kaya gitu knp ga usah aja sekalian...ntar kan dia repot sendiri harus ngembaliin uang deposit...lucu bgt...
Selama 3 taon gw serumah ma Crystal dulu...perasaan ga pernah ada masalah kaya gini, barang dia gw pinjem dia ok, barang gw dia pinjem juga ga da masalah...
Temen serumah skrg...really counting...Itungan gila...
my bff said," Coz they never find a trully friend.."
I agreed with that...coz i have a true friends & i never feel "rugi" to give them anything or to care about them...or anyone who need it...
U dont have to be true friend to sharing something...
if u feel they re ur friends...
u will share everything u have (except bf) without counting...
& poor them who never feel that way...
N I'm damn sure, I don't have one in KL...(except my love offcourse)
Ceritanya untuk masak, qt mo sharing, gw pikir cuman gas-nya doang, qt patungan krn qt seorang dari 2 orang itu beli kompor (kalo nanti qt pisah dia yg ambil) tapi minta uang udunan dari yang laen...Aneh bgt...dimana ada yg kaya complain, cerita akhirnya berganti...uang itu jadi untuk deposit, jadi kalo qt pindah, uang dikembaliin...
Nah lho!...kalo kaya gitu knp ga usah aja sekalian...ntar kan dia repot sendiri harus ngembaliin uang deposit...lucu bgt...
Selama 3 taon gw serumah ma Crystal dulu...perasaan ga pernah ada masalah kaya gini, barang dia gw pinjem dia ok, barang gw dia pinjem juga ga da masalah...
Temen serumah skrg...really counting...Itungan gila...
my bff said," Coz they never find a trully friend.."
I agreed with that...coz i have a true friends & i never feel "rugi" to give them anything or to care about them...or anyone who need it...
U dont have to be true friend to sharing something...
if u feel they re ur friends...
u will share everything u have (except bf) without counting...
& poor them who never feel that way...
N I'm damn sure, I don't have one in KL...(except my love offcourse)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Hari itu...
Sept 29th, 2008
Karena delay, flight qt yang harusnya jam 11.45 am jadi jam 16.45 pm, dikit bete krn gw pengen cepet2 k'temu keluarga gw...naek airasia krn hanya airasia yg nyampe Bandung, lebih deket ke Tasik.
He was surprised by himself kalo dia bakal ke indo ketemu ma keluarga gw.
Yang lucu dia bilang :"It was the worst flight ever & the worst airplane" (waktu dia liat 'perekat' disalah satu bagian di dalam badan pesawat...& katanya pilot yg ngemudiinnya ga smooth)...Huahahaha...but...itulah dia, my love apapun jadi lucu kalo dia yg ngomong.
Nyampe Husein Sastra Negara, langsung ke VOA (Visa On Arrival) & bayar 25$ ato Rp 250.000,-
Begitu keluar, Papap,Mamah, My aunty & Uncle udha nungguin...Ucapan pertama yg gw denger waktu mereka ngeliat 'my love'..."Ganteeeng...!" (dari mulut my aunty)...dan gw hanya nyengir & just ngenalin 'my love' ke mereka, dan kita langsung cabut untuk buka puasa.
Mamah ngasih teh kotak untuk ngebatalin
my love bilang:"what is this shit??? taste like shit!!"
gw blng:"this is tea"
my love bilang:"I know, but taste was very bad"
gw bilang:"It's fine to me"
akhirnya dia minum aqua aja & kebetulan dia bawa sandwich yg isinya 'olahan antara kurma & telor', semua orang nyobain dan suka, gw aja yg ga suka ternyata.
Gw liat Papap gw, udah keliatan lebih tua,
my love bilang:"Stay here, do'nt go back, u have 2 take care of ur parent"
Trs malem belon dilewatin...baru keluar dari restoran...
my love bilang:"Shit, very crowded, don't stay here, this country's not good at all for living..."
So I know, dia ga suka Indoneisa.
Karena delay, flight qt yang harusnya jam 11.45 am jadi jam 16.45 pm, dikit bete krn gw pengen cepet2 k'temu keluarga gw...naek airasia krn hanya airasia yg nyampe Bandung, lebih deket ke Tasik.
He was surprised by himself kalo dia bakal ke indo ketemu ma keluarga gw.
Yang lucu dia bilang :"It was the worst flight ever & the worst airplane" (waktu dia liat 'perekat' disalah satu bagian di dalam badan pesawat...& katanya pilot yg ngemudiinnya ga smooth)...Huahahaha...but...itulah dia, my love apapun jadi lucu kalo dia yg ngomong.
Nyampe Husein Sastra Negara, langsung ke VOA (Visa On Arrival) & bayar 25$ ato Rp 250.000,-
Begitu keluar, Papap,Mamah, My aunty & Uncle udha nungguin...Ucapan pertama yg gw denger waktu mereka ngeliat 'my love'..."Ganteeeng...!" (dari mulut my aunty)...dan gw hanya nyengir & just ngenalin 'my love' ke mereka, dan kita langsung cabut untuk buka puasa.
Mamah ngasih teh kotak untuk ngebatalin
my love bilang:"what is this shit??? taste like shit!!"
gw blng:"this is tea"
my love bilang:"I know, but taste was very bad"
gw bilang:"It's fine to me"
akhirnya dia minum aqua aja & kebetulan dia bawa sandwich yg isinya 'olahan antara kurma & telor', semua orang nyobain dan suka, gw aja yg ga suka ternyata.
Gw liat Papap gw, udah keliatan lebih tua,
my love bilang:"Stay here, do'nt go back, u have 2 take care of ur parent"
Trs malem belon dilewatin...baru keluar dari restoran...
my love bilang:"Shit, very crowded, don't stay here, this country's not good at all for living..."
So I know, dia ga suka Indoneisa.
Sebuah nama...
Tiba-tiba terlintas...
Kemana dia sekarang? Dimana dia?
She's my close friend before, even i was the one who came to her wedding when they were all had many not to come.
I was there for her, when she was broken heart.
Where r u, gal???
Where r u NESSA EVA GHANI ???
I missed her
Wherever she is...Hope She is fine & have a great life!
Kemana dia sekarang? Dimana dia?
She's my close friend before, even i was the one who came to her wedding when they were all had many not to come.
I was there for her, when she was broken heart.
Where r u, gal???
Where r u NESSA EVA GHANI ???

I missed her
Wherever she is...Hope She is fine & have a great life!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Nove 12nd, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
So Beautiful

Whether I'm right or wrong
There's no phrase that hits
Like an ocean needs the sand
Or a dirty old shoe that fits
And if all the world was perfect
I would only ever want to see your scars
You know they can have their universe
We'll be in the dirt designing stars
And darlin' you know
You make me feel so beautiful
Nowhere else in the world I wanna be
You make me feel so beautiful
Whether I'm up or down
There's no crowd to please
I'm like a faith without a clause to believe in it
And if all the world was smiling
I would only ever want to see your frown
You know they can sail away in sunsets
We'll be right here stranded on the ground
Just happy to be found
You make me feel so beautiful
Nowhere else in the world I wanna be
You make me feel so beautiful
I have lost my illusions
I have drowned in your words
I have left my confusion to a cynical world
I am throwing myself at things I don't understand
Discover enlightenment holding your hand
You are..
So Beautiful
Yeah darlin' you know!
That you make me feel so beautiful nowhere else in the world i wanna be
Yeah you made me feel so beautiful
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Back to KL...&...
Back to work...
Back to 'bored' life...
Not bcoz i don't like my job, actually I love my job
but...I don't have passion anymore...
may be coz people around me & 'weird' situation i got...
When i was in my country,
I met my ex boss & he told me something which very important about my job & my life...
He's right...
Why am I still here???
Another story...
Some1 offered me a job...
more bucks, more enjoyment, more satisfaction...(promises...!!!)
Still thinking???
Back to work...
Back to 'bored' life...
Not bcoz i don't like my job, actually I love my job
but...I don't have passion anymore...
may be coz people around me & 'weird' situation i got...
When i was in my country,
I met my ex boss & he told me something which very important about my job & my life...
He's right...
Why am I still here???
Another story...
Some1 offered me a job...
more bucks, more enjoyment, more satisfaction...(promises...!!!)
Still thinking???

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